How To Install A Drupal Theme

The process to install a new Drupal theme is outlined below. There are plenty of places on the web to find some interesting Drupal themes, and best of all, most of them are free. The best way to track down these sites would be a search on for “free Drupal themes” or, if you looking for a paid theme “Drupal themes”Envato – themeforest is also a great way to find drupal themes and the official Drupal website houses many of them.

After finding your Drupal theme of choice, follow these steps to install your new theme.


Step 1 – Download an ftp program

To be able to upload the theme files to your host, you will need an FTP program. Filezilla is a great and FREE FTP program, which you can get by going to and selecting the latest release. After installing the program on your computer, you will then be able upload your Drupal theme.


Step 2 – Login to your hosting account.

Don’t have a hosting account? Sign up here for hosting plan

Open Filezilla and login to your hosting account. In the top section, you will enter this information:

Password: Would have been sent to you via email from Digital Pacific.

Once you have entered your login information into filezilla click the Quickconnect button. If you have trouble connecting to your server then check the host, username and password information you have entered are correct.


Step 3

Upload all files into your /themes/ folder.


Step 4

Go to your website in any browser and login as a user:
Once logged in as a user you should now have the ability to reach the admin panel

In the administration panel – navigate to Administer — Themes to activate the newly installed them.